

In our constant quest for excellence and quality, we have prioritised the most demanding certifications, not only in terms of management or processes, but also in terms of finished products through certifications for specific sectors (railways, road transport, aeronautics, etc.).

Certification ISO 9001 BUREAU VERITAS

En matière de système de management de la qualité, la certification ISO 9001 d Bureau VERITAS est reconnue dans le monde entier. Elle favorise un cycle durable qui assure un développement constant de l’entreprise suivant un processus d’amélioration continue.

IRIS certification

IRIS  (International Railway Industry Standard) is the leading standard for evaluating quality management systems in the railway industry at a global level.

IRIS certification is designed to ensure the safety and reliability of products used in the railway industry by setting high quality standards across the entire supply chain.

The benefits of IRIS certification

  • International recognition in the railway industry, with companies listed in the global IRIS database (available to view online)
  • Mutual recognition between integrators and subcontractors, helping to limit the number of audits carried out by buyers
  • Automatic ISO 9001 certification
  • Certifies that railway industry standards are adhered to in our quality management system.

Médaille d’Argent 2023 – Notation ECoVadis

Le score global EcoVadis (0-100) reflète la qualité du système de gestion de la RSE de l’entreprise au moment de l’évaluation. Les niveaux de reconnaissance RSE EcoVadis sont basés sur le rang percentile du score EcoVadis de votre entreprise et sur un score minimum par thème*.

*Aucune médaille n’est attribuée pour des scores globaux inférieurs à 47, ou en cas de score de thème faible (≤20) dans l’un des quatre thèmes (Environnement, Social & Droits Humains, Éthique et Achats Responsables).

REACH certification

We also adhere to the REACH directive. The aim of this EU directive is to keep people safe and to protect the environment against hazards linked to chemical substances (e.g. swapping traditional products for safer products).


Bilan carbone attestation

This certificate of validity is attributed to the company RUSTIN.
5 017 tCO2e/an / ~ 44 tCO₂e par employé